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左岸.風尚 義大利麵專賣 2005年成立於嘉義 我們抱持著美食配佳飲,這就是左岸‧風尚發自內心給顧客的第一次親密接觸, 杯內的啤酒還湧著氣泡,叉子上捲著義大利麵,上拋圓滑的麵條, 像甩出魚線般的柔和,「嚴選食材,美味現做,新鮮料理,輕鬆享受」, 義式料理能平價享受,更是店長的座右銘,希望每個人, 都可以無負擔的享受國外美食,並在左岸‧風尚店內,環抱有如在家用餐似的溫暖。 Left Bank Fashion(LBF)- Pasta expert Good Food, Good Friends, and Good Wine. Serving Our Loyal Customers Since 2005 “In the heart of Left Bank Fashion romantic, indoor garden dining, you can enjoy the best Italian food”. In our restaurant, you can also drink fresh beer, delicious noodles and other cuisines. The chief believes “Take it easy, eat wonderful pasta with good ingredients in Chiayi city”. Therefore, you will understand why LBF is popular and open, with an almost communal atmosphere that brings up images of a friendly dining room full of life and the fragrances of fine Italian cooking. LBF Cooks From The Heart of Italy.
創始於1991年,當時為屏東第一家供應無限沙拉吧西餐廳,隔年再轉型為以蒙古烤肉(BBQ)及排餐吃到飽的餐廳,成為屏東第一家「A.Y.C.E」(All you can eat)的精緻美食西餐廳。 永續經營、專注熱情、重視員工是田園追求且堅持的核心價值,並以不斷請益、求精、力求完美的精神期許立於餐飲界不敗之地。 以達到顧客的需求與满意出發,提供新鮮、美味的料理為己任,以優良食材為本,加上廚師的用心及親切的外場服務,贏得顧客的信任與口碑。
達陣科技公司創立於1997年,為一專業精密陶製造者,我們以專業生產設備,生產製造,利用高純度、超細粉末的產料加以處理成形,並燒結加工的精密陶瓷,所表現出的高穩定性以及優異的機械性質,在材料工業上備受矚目。 我們相信,除不斷的致力於產品研發、製造外,服務的品質、產品的穩定,才能滿足客戶所需,兼持誠信、創新的理念,製造最好的品質,是達陣科技一貫堅持目標,「Trust me, you can make it!」
iiTron’s has a passion for building innovative Internet Appliances that utilize the latest in Wireless & Audio-Video technologies. We specialize in IPTV Set Top Box, Wireless, GPS & Security products that are designed for a performance and quality you can count on. Our goal is to provide the best possible cost/performance and user-friendliness
本公司於1995年成立,推出全國第一套積木式概念之APOLLO系列遙控器自推出至今,承蒙各代理,經銷商及一般使用者與政府機構、同業的支持與愛護,使我們得以不斷的創新改良,精益求精,並於2000年推出高階機種HERCULES系列,其功能讓使用者更輕鬆掌握多段及無段變速,可完全掌握駕駛室的所有功能,2003年推出防爆系列機種(d2G4),2005年再度推出CUPID系列,簡易方便好操作型工業無線遙控系列,全系列皆通過出產嚴格測試,且通過歐盟CE美國FCC等多國認證。 3-Elite’ mission is to become a global leading design and wholesale manufacturing service Provider of industrial radio remote control solutions in different fields for worldwide system integrators or clone partners locally     3-Elite with the 15 Years of innovation expertise and experience, we will strive to serve worldwide system integration customers.   We not only produce radio remote control, but also sell other parts as long as you can see around the factory. For example, crane and its accessory.
We, Action Racing Technology Co. Ltd., Are one of the leading trading companies that provides accessories for all types of cars and, also racing accessories.Our products includes mufflers, steering wheels, racing seats, gearshifts, tachometers, headlights,pedal pads, oil caps, and exhaust pipes in Taiwan. Moreover, we are also a market/customer focused company, we emphasize in customer service and market research to deliver high quality service to our customers.We offer you the best prices, low and reasonable. ART not only provides you accessories for automobiles, we can also look out for all kinds of products you need.We wish to generate new Business opportunities and value by strategic alliance to launch innovative products. If you can not find what you have been looking for, do not hesitate, It will be a pleasure to have opportunities to cooperate with you .If you would like to know further information about us, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail [email protected] We will be looking forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Action Racing Technology Co.Ltd.
Endrich, Sales Representative Taiwan of A123Systems in USA. (NASDAQ:AONE) We are one of the world’s leading suppliers of high-power lithium ion batteries. Main business are Nano LiFePO4 battery cell and its related applications. Please visit our website for more detail. Endrich: www.endrich.com.tw Also you can have more information about our Headquarter: A123Systems: www.a123systems.com Now a Canda brand, Delta-Q smart charger series are available. Universal input,High Frequency,High PFC,...complete and more informations please visit our website www.endrich.com.tw
ODM為主要業務 Sourced by major consumer products chain stores Thincom Technology Co. Ltd is a Taiwan-based manufacturer of pico projector and digital photo frames. With advanced expertise and dedication to superb quality Thincom Technology Co. Ltd is approved by buyers well known in world. We specialize in video and mold design and offer one-stop technical support and engineering consulting services. Our RD team caters to your particular needs and releases up to three new innovations each quarter for you to select. If you can’t find the exact design you need in our range, Thincom Technology will customize your particular ideas or needs. We can also affix your logos and brand names to our products.
電腦零組件、CPU散熱器、電腦連接線 Intorducing ForceTake ForceTake is a company specializing in research and development of thermal solutions and products for computer systems. ForceTake designs and manufactures heat-dissipating devices for CPU/VGA/RAMs with a system approach because handling of thermal problems becomes more and more important as processing speeds of computers get faster and faster. We believe the ultimate solution of thermal problems can most efficiently be solved by system consideration. Our solutions also take into consideration of power users and DIY experts. You can count on us as a reliable provider of all high performance heat-dissipating products for computer devices.
南寶用心‧深得您心 南寶大飯店擁有高水準豪華觀光商務客房,並設置無線寬頻網路系統, 全館採用符合國家標準之防火建材,並通過政府消防法規安全檢查, 合法證照,使您住宿品質更加安全舒適。 備有免費專屬停車場,及特約接送服務, 並供應中西自助式活力早餐,提供您完善周全的全方位餐宿服務。 二樓餐廳供應中西自助式早餐,名師主廚,美味可口,菜色眾多,營養豐富, 沙拉吧, 果汁飲料,咖啡,西點,土司,中式熱食,精緻配菜,白飯,稀飯,饅頭等, 滿足您一天活力的泉源。 本飯店餐廳寬敞,可容納百餘人用餐,精緻裝潢,格調高雅。 餐廳可供雞尾酒會, 團體餐敘,會議場地等多功能使用,歡迎預約洽訂。 Nan Pao Hotel has more rooms of luxurious international torsism standard , accommodated with an internet system , and the whole building uses fire-resistant materials conforming to the national standard and passed safety examination according to new fireregulation of our government. You can rest assured to stay in our hotel with safety and comfort , use a large parking lot , parking service , and VIP station shuttle service , conference chambers , a fitness center , a European style restaurant on 2F offering breakfast , enjoying high quality of every service of our hotel. 【小檔案】 .民國98年1月正式對外營業 .網際網路服務: .館內提供免費無線寬頻上網服務,商務中心提供電腦使用/使用者需自備手提電腦 .客房內提供免費無線寬頻上網服務,使用者需自備手提電腦 .提供《預約制》免費專車服務:來回,地點:台南火車站 .備有免費室外停車場,約可容納小客車20部 【南寶大飯店 旅遊資訊】 .南寶大飯店位於台南市北區,附近景點有:大觀音亭 , 台南公園 , 花園夜市 , 所有台南市的景點請點我! 【台南市飯店線上訂房-南寶大飯店】TEL:06-2085500 南寶大飯店 住址:70449台南市北區前鋒路318號
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